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Some Reasons

why you need to advertise when business is strong

Advertising works in cycles

Advertising works in cycles and may take some time before the prospect becomes a customer. Advertising doesn’t typically make customers want to buy a product or service they aren’t ready for yet. It’s a game of timing. This is why we see the same commercials on television and hear the same radio ads throughout the day. It’s about brand awareness.

“think outside the box”

In contrast, without that stress you are more likely to “think outside the box” and allow your marketing to be more creative. Creative advertising has a better chance to create an emotional response in potential customers. Emotional responses trigger chemicals in their brain. This help them remember your brand.

A strong client or customer

A strong client or customer base removes the unnecessary pressure of “this campaign NEEDS to bring in X new customers.” When you focus on the end result you tend to lose sight of the path that gets you there in the first place.

Our HADISS Magazine

Our HADISS Magazine is one of the most popular magazines in the Persian communities, it has the recipe that our readers are looking for: quantity in the number of production compared to other magazines,higher quality in its range of Free Classified Ads, Advertising Ads, and Marketing Ads covered throughout the magazine.

We Create Experience

Create a perfect portfolio and add it to any page with our Portfolio List. Choose one of the predefined portfolio types and select a hover animation to style your portfolio list to your taste.

Happy Customers

Let everyone know what you have to offer. Combine visually rich icons with text, and draw your site visitor’s eye to the key pieces of information about you and your company.

Raymon Myers
HADISS Group Customer

“HADISS Group is the perfect balance of professionalism and personality. Their team is fun and easy to work with and the service they deliver is top-notch. As a company with a “pay it forward” mentality as well, Bayshore appreciates all that HADISS Group does to support our community of seniors and caregivers in Tampa Bay with great information and easy-to-follow links to valuable resources.”

Daniel Mitchell
HADISS Group Customer

"They take the time necessary to really dig in and figure out what a company needs to expand their audience and reach out to the people they can help the most. It’s been a pleasure to work with them through the Better Living for Seniors organization in Pinellas and the Area Agency on Aging website."

Nicole Burke
HADISS Group Customer

“Working with HADISS Group has been nothing but a pleasure.  They are responsive, creative and worked at a pace (during setup) that was both efficient and manageable for our team.  We have seen a marked increase in market response/recognition, since we began our social media program with HADISS Group.  Thanks for making it so easy to get our marketing into the 21st Century.”

Ralph Jackson
HADISS Group Customer

“The professionalism and personalized service that we got from HADISS Group is unlike any other company we worked with and they made us feel so comfortable. Incredibly trustworthy and high value!!! Thank you! ”

Brian Wagner
HADISS Group Customer

“We could not have been more pleased with the professionalism they displayed mixed just perfectly with a genuine concern and care for our company and the delivery of an exceptional web site! A+ isn’t enough, but they get that from me! ”

Evelyn Washin
HADISS Group Customer

“HADISS Group is, hands down, one of the best companies that we have worked with! The company has either met or exceeded all of the goals that we initially set for all of the projects that they implemented for us. ”

To get recognition before the public of the brand:

Analysis of the value chain, ie, which are the audiences that relate to the company: employees, customers, potential customers, community, suppliers, partners, government agencies, press, etc, and the respective impacts, and include in the plans of actions of the campaign showing its value and closer relations. 

To promote the brand and to increase perceived value:

Institutional advertising is an important ally for the brand to spread relevant content so that the public have approximation and acceptance, seeking to generate identification between public and brand, in order to “build” these symbolic constitutions and interpretations, which potentiates the alignment between public perceptions of the brand and what it wants to appear.

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We’re Sharing Everything

Create a perfect portfolio and add it to any page with our Portfolio List. Choose one of the predefined portfolio types and select a hover animation to style your portfolio list to your taste.

Branding Generates New Customers

Branding enables your company to get referral business. Would it be possible for you to tell a friend about the new shoes you love if you couldn’t remember the brand? A large reason ‘brand’ is the word used for this concept is that the goal is an indelible impression. As the most profitable advertising source, word of mouth referrals are only possible in a situation where your company has delivered a memorable experience with your customer.
The most profitable companies, small and large, have a single thing in common. They have established themselves as a leader in their particular industry by building a strong brand.
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    Engaging, Purposeful, and Creative Environment.

    Tabs are great for arranging content into categories that will be displayed when needed.  Create tabs with icons, titles, or a combination of both, and make browsing through your site and finding the right piece of information both convenient and enjoyable.
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